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Biotin Interference

This module is a rapid prototype concerning biotin interference in patient samples (and resulting lab results).

If you take a B complex or multivitamin, or prenatal vitamin, or if you eat food hearty in B7, you may want to reveiw this 8-9 minute mini-course in Biotin Interference. If you are a laboratory technician, or a physician who orders diagnostic bloodwork, you may also be interested.

Biotin Interference Module

Biotin in the blood from supplements can cause some lab test results to be either falsely increased or falsely decreased, causing misdiagnosis or wrong treatment protocols

Some labs using a testing and diagnostic process called Streptavidin Technology. This technology employs a method for testing a patient blood sample in a laboratory that may give falsely increased or falsely decreased test results if the patient sample contains natural free floating biotin from diet or supplements the patient is taking. One patient died as a result of falsely negative results.

Watch the presentation


FDA Warns about Biotin Interference and where to report problems.





Learning by Design
Nancy P Hemenway
Washington DC Metro Area
Tel: (703) 379-9178
Nancy P. Hemenway
Contact Me