Tri-fold Brochures

Tri-fold brochure sample

There are all kinds of brochures and booklets used by businesses and organizations. Tri-Fold Brochures seem to be the most common. Used to market or provide information for a product, it is one of the most effective and versatile marketing tools.

This type of brochure informs learners, students or other consumers of a company service or product. A tri-fold document is simple to produce, cost effective and easy to distribute. Brochures are well worth including with a marketing plan or strategy. The pictured brochure was produced for the InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc. (INCIID) to provide information on the "From INCIID the Heart" IVF (in vitro fertilization) program.

Some tips for good brochure design include:

  • Use a complementary color scheme. Use a great color palette.
  • White space is not the enemy (do not crowd the brochure with unecessary text). Make your story visual.
  • Limit the fonts used and be consistant
  • Create order by making sure all text and objects are aligned.
  • Keep it simple with a clean and clear goal and design in mind.
  • Know your audience. Understanding the audience, end user or learner will help determine the way information and graphics are presented.

The brochure pictured was created using Adobe InDesign.