Instructional Design portfolio consistenting of Articulate Storyline work samples created by Nancy Hemenway





Illustration of DNA strands floating in liquid.
mRNA Vaccine Technology

Before you can understan messenger RNA vaccine technology, you need to understand how the body's immune system works. This project explains the function of our body's immune system and how DNA, RNA and messenger RNA technology is used to defend against the coronavirs to provide you with immunity to COVID-19.    

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Illustration of different races of women all pregnant
Infographic: Toxins and Pregnancy

An infographic created with Articulate Storyline. Each of the classes of toxins that women should avoid are illustrated and clickable. The project also includes tips about how to avoid these toxins during pregnancy. .

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Illustration of a cylinder with human figure and lab animals on the right and a hospital corridor on the left.
A Vaccine Life Cycle

An Articulate project describing all the necessary steps a vaccine goes through to bring it to market.The project emphasizes the safety steps vaccine creators and distributors must adhere to before it is introduced into the general population.

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Card image cap
Acupuncture Healing Mechanisms (Animated)

Do you ever wonder how acupuncture works. The following is a link to an animated cartoon I created in Powtoons.

Animated Acupuncture
Example of an Articulate Storyline Project
Storyline Project

Articulate Storyline is a good tool for building online courses and other presentations.

4 Paws for Ability
Illustration of a B6 molecule with a hospital background
Biotin Interference

Biotin Interference has already been responsible (according to the FDA Warning) for the dealth of at least one person. If you are taking a B-complex supplemen, you should be aware of the issues with some labs and Biotin Interference.  

Biotin Interference

Other E-Learning and Articulate Studio Projects

  •  Illustration of the Ying-Yang symbol
    Acupuncture to Treat Infertility
    This Articulate presentation explains the acupuncture procedures that may help women with poor egg quality or other infertility medical conditions.
  • Image of Stethoscope and keyboard
    Know Your Healthcare System
    Healthcare is confusing to many people. This Storyline module discusses the basics and origin of healthcare for citizens around the world and origin based on the 4 systems used by industrialized country. The US has a conglomeration of all.
  • Trade show banner for pet expo
    Retractable Pet Expo Trade Show Banner
    Retractable Banners are popular because they provide a good visual display in a small space. They are self-contained, easy to set up and easy to breakdown. This banner was designed for a "Pet Expo" trade show describing the differences between service dogs, therapy animals, and emotional support animals.
  • A close-up photo of a women wearing a surgical mask
    When Refusing to Wear a Mask is not ADA Protected
    This RISE project is part of the Articulate Studio Suite. This is a mini-lesson on the ADA specifically how the refusal to wear a mask is not supported by the Americians with Disabilities Act. 
  • Image of an antique Kodak Camera
    Motion Picture Technology
    A articulate historical timeline beginning from 1800's & invention of the Phenakistoscope to modern television & motion Picture History including modern-day Net Neutrality. Each section on the timeline provides historical reference points as different elements are created and explored.
  • Cartoon image two women
    Meet Liz and Rosie
    This is a cartoon scenario I created. The story is about two women, both single moms raising teen daughters. Liz with healthcare, born to privilege and Rosie who is without health insurance. Each works exceptionally hard but only Liz can afford healthcare.
  • Booklet Created for INCIID-B2B
    INCIID Corporate Programs Booklet
    Professional membership supports INCIID's Charity Mission to help individuals and couples explore their family-building options. A corporate booklet describing the 2019 INCIID programs for physicians was Created using stock photos. and Adobe's InDesign program.
  • Image showing project management elements
    Instructional Design Management Document
    A collaborative instructional design management document created for a nonprofit organization.
  • Image of tri-fold brochure
    Tri-Fold Brochure
    A tri-fold brochure is probably the most kind of marketing materials for schools, organizations or businesses. Tri-folds provide company teams with 6 panels to strategically display relevant information. The goal of a tri-fold brochure is to keep the audience or learner's attention while providing pertinent data.